About Us

Gaywood River Revival is a working group focused on providing a strategic plan and better future for the Gaywood River, Norfolk’s forgotten chalk stream. Every member has a personal connection with the river and the motivation to do something about the state that it has been allowed to get into.


Our stakeholders come from a wide variety of industries, each bringing a unique set of skills towards helping to restore the Gaywood to its former glory.


As an independent group, we are not affiliated to any political party and receive no funding from bodies that have a stake in the way that the river and its catchment are treated.

Together we have the power to make a real difference for the Gaywood River


Our vision for the Gaywood River is a bold one which we hope you’ll share. We see a beautiful chalk stream flowing down from its springs in the chalk ridge behind Grimston – through the Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSIs) at Derby and Sugar Fens – before meandering past the ancient ruins at Bawsey and into King’s Lynn through The Walks, where children (of all ages) can admire the fish and plants in the clear water.


Our mission is to work to bring about a situation where that vision can become a reality. Yet, it’s not really that bold. Within living memory that vision was a fair description of the river before a variety of man-made factors started taking their toll.

To wind the clock back to a fully restored Gaywood River will take public pressure and a good deal of collaborative action between interested parties.  



Discover the river

Find out where you can check out the river for yourself. From the sublime to the downright awful! Just click the markers to find out more.

There are a number of points that give good access to the river.

The riverside path from Wootton Road into town is also shown

Help us save the Gaywood

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