Editorial Team

Sewage release data goes live

Anglian water today published their new on-line map showing, in near real time, the status of each of their “storm overflow” outlets from the sewage system.

Anglain Water’s sewage map (click to see the live map)

The map links to details of sewage releases from those outlets that are fitted with automatic reporting equipment. Not all outlets have monitors fitted and releases from those outlets remain unrecorded.

The storm overflows along the Gaywood river showing in the map comprise the outlet at the Grimston Sewage treatment works (or as AW prefer to call it “Water Recycling”) and one near where the river goes under Morrisons and the station before emerging into The Walks.

As well as not covering other outlets, discharges from drains, manholes and other parts of the infrastructure including all the discharge points that have been so active this spring in Grimston , Pott Row and Roydon will continue to discharge without any form of measurement and they will be unrecorded unless local people continue to report issues to the Environment Agency.

Anglian Water says that they have made improvements to the way they operate and reduce storm overflows.   “Central to this has been the introduction of Event Duration Monitors (EDMs), which measure how often and for how long storm overflows discharge into the environment. EDMs ensure we have the data and insight needed to address and reduce storm overflows discharging across our network.”

Concern remains that the monitors only report event how long the discharge went on, and not how much sewage was allowed to run into our rivers and sea.

To be fair, this map data is a positive step forward on the road to eliminate sewage spills but it certainly doesn’t’t solve the problem. As ever Anglian Water and all the other water companies talk about their plans rather than their action.


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The “It’s not my fault” culture killing our river

An extraordinary exchange of emails which has recently emerged, reveal a serious pollution incident on the Gaywood River and makes it clear that it could very well happen again. This wasn’t the doing of some unscrupulous fly-tipper or chicken farm but of two key agencies entrusted to look after our river.

A couple of years back, the Environment Agency decided to downgrade our chalk streams to “ordinary watercourses” and to hand over maintenance to the King’s Lynn Internal Drainage Board (IDB). Consequently, the Environment Agency and the IDB conveniently have responsibility for different aspects of the river and, rather more seriously, have different priorities. Their failure to act together brought about a serious pollution incident last September with neither side apparently accepting responsibility.

According to a KLIDB report, “The EA contacted KLIDB in early October to inform us that they had been contacted by a member of the public, regarding concern over recent maintenance on the Gaywood River and the potential for IDB maintenance to stir up phosphates from the sediments. The member of the public alleged that this IDB activity had caused the death of two fish.”

[In fact it was one of out team that reported to the EA that there were “dozens of dead fish” (not two) along one stretch of the river.]

Although inspection showed that river margins and banks had been cut very short the IDB insist that the work was still technically within the remit of their Standard Maintenance Operations “for Fenland watercourses”. And there’s the rub, The Gaywood River is not a Fenland watercourse, it is a rare chalk stream but is not being treated as such.

The IDB go on to say that they have no control over the stirring up of dangerous levels of phosphates, even though their work does exactly that. They point out that “water quality of the river remains the remit of the Environment Agency as Regulator”. In other words, they know they are stirring up the phosphate laden silt which kills almost all fish in the river but once they have done so, it’s not their problem since it affects water quality for which EA is responsible.

You really couldn’t make it up.

Gaywood River Revival recent carried out tests on the river which showed that even down as far as The Walks phosphate levels were three times higher than they should be.

The question remains as to whether “as Regulator” the Environment Agency will be taking action against the IDB over this incident. It seems unlikely.
Meanwhile you’ll not be surprised to hear that plans have been published to mechanically clear the river of plant-life again this summer.


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Another drought this year?

At last we’ve been having a bit of rain recently but is it enough to save us from drought this summer?

It looks very unlikely at the moment but of course “drought” in an area of chalk streams is a more complex business.

How wet our gardens are is largely dependent on recent rain. Across much of west Norfolk, the soils are light and free draining so it’s gone almost as quickly as it arrived!

For the chalk streams it is quite a different matter. Rainfall is absorbed by the porous chalk and it begins its slow journey towards the underground aquifer and eventually to head of one of our streams it can take months and years for today’s rain. And there’s the problem. The Gaywood, along with the other streams is running at an exceptionally low level; many springs have simply dried up, already. We are seeing the effect of past year’s exceptionally dry and hot summer alongside the increased borehole abstraction from the aquifer for irrigation and for our water supplies.

This weekend’s rain won’t be showing up in our streams for many months yet. Possibly not before the streams start drying up.

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