One of the big issues facing the Gaywood River, pollution comes from a huge variety of sources and has a massively detrimental effect on the water quality and thus on life in the river.
The biggest pollution issues facing the Gaywood include, but are not limited to:
- agricultural chemicals
- sewage spills and releases
- industrial and waste operations
- road run-off
- mis-connected drains
Most recent pollution incidents are posted here.
Grimston Watery Lane
Sewer manholes are again spewing raw sewage into the road and this is running down into the Gaywood river source at the spring. This is a recurring incident and has been reported the Environment Agency on many occasions. We are frequently told that it customers misconnecting to the sewer or that there is too much rain. Either way, the system is obviously unable to cope and this pollution is damaging the river and its wildlife.
Bawsey upstream of Bawsey Ruins.
We have found serious run-off from industrial premises south of the river during moderate rain. Pollutants appear to include:
- Petrol, diesel or oil
- Toilet waste (possibly drained from portable toilets)
- Rotting vegetable waste
All three pollutants will seriously damage the river. The oil-based pollution puts a film of oil across the entire river stripping the water environment of its source of oxygen and killing both fish and invertebrates. The toilet waste has the potential to spread E coli bacteria through the river. This is dangerous to people and pets.
Rotting vegetable waste and the toilet waste contain very high levels of phosphate which causes algal blooms, smothering life in the river.