Your memories of the Gaywood River

Gaywood River Revival is embarking on an exciting project to celebrate the heritage of our local chalk stream and set a benchmark for its restoration.

Chalk streams are not only rare landscape features but also support unique ecosystems, including unique chalk stream plants and distinctive fish and invertibrate species.

We would like to invite you to share your cherished memories and experiences related to The Gaywood River.

Your memories will help us weave a rich tapestry of all our experiences that capture the essence of this unique natural treasure.

We encourage you to reminisce and reflect on the moments, big or small, that have stayed with you. Whether it’s a childhood adventure, a special encounter with wildlife, or simply the river’s presence in your life, we invite you to share your words, thoughts, and emotions and any pictures you have. Your contributions will not only preserve these memories for future generations but also foster a deeper sense of connection and appreciation for our precious chalk stream.

Please take a moment to make a note of your memories and experiences, as every story holds a unique significance. You can simply type into the form on the “Memories” page.

Let us come together and celebrate the magic of our chalk stream, ensuring that its beauty and significance remain alive in our memories as we work to restore its health for generations to come.

Thank you for your memories and for being stewards of our treasured heritage.

4 thoughts on “Your memories of the Gaywood River”

  1. As a boy of 10 (I am 64 this year), each summer I visited Kings Lynn to stay with my friend.

    My friend lived on Gayton Road near the hospital.

    We used to fish for pike in the Gaywood River.

    I don’t have any actual photos but I can remember it like yesterday.

    1. Peter Citheroe

      Thanks David. It’s good to get confirmation that the river was once alive with fish. I think you’d be shocked to see it now. Despite everything it remains perfectly possible to restore the river to the gin-clear wonder that it was. It will, however take commitment and changes in practices from quite a few stakeholders to get there.

  2. Spent many days lazing alongside the river at Kettlewell Lane instead of revising for my A levels & would watch children paddle & learn to swim in the park. The water was clear & full of plants & Trout could be seen jumping to catch Mayflies
    2023 it’s filled with heavily polluted silt & only a few Reeds are able to grow, the clear water replaced by Brown silted water & the river bed strewn with broken bottles & cans where children once played

    1. Peter Citheroe

      We have very similar memories of that stretch around Kettlewell Lane and Archdale Street Russell. It’s odd though; I was much younger then and I’m a good bit older now. If only we could have a shared memory of the river fully restored before we’re too old to remember why we want it done!

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